If you’re still using legacy productivity tools, they’re holding your company back. Research by Gallup found 85% of employees are disengaged when working with these kinds of tools. They’re frustrated because legacy tools force them to waste time on low-value, repetitive tasks, such as having to email files back and forth, constantly check they’re working on the latest version, and search for and request access to information held in multiple applications or on colleagues’ hard drives. They’re also more likely to work individually rather than contribute to collaborative work such as co-authoring reports, proposals and presentations.
Mobile working is on the rise
These issues are only going to become more severe as remote and mobile working becomes more common. Although we’ve been slowly moving that way for a while, the Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically changed our thinking. During April, over 40% of people in the UK were working from home, compared to just 12% a year earlier. For many, that change will be a lasting one: three quarters of CFOs surveyed by Gallup in March 2020 said they are intending to permanently shift some employees who’ve previously worked on site to remote working.
Legacy tools are preventing innovation
However, companies that already have virtual teams working from different locations report that they’re struggling when using legacy tools. Over 85% of teams cited difficulties in communication, while 75% of remote workers say they miss out on important information and 37% believe they’re less visible to managers and have fewer opportunities to interact with the company’s leadership.
Research by Quadrant Strategies found Google Workspace to be effective in all areas
By contrast, research carried out by Quadrant Strategies on behalf of Google found that after G Suite is rolled out:
- 76% of employees say their company has become more innovative because ideas are unlocked that otherwise would have been trapped by lack of easy collaboration.
- 41% of users say G Suite has had a positive impact on the way they work because they can complete tasks in a more efficient way, including working with information in other applications, such as Salesforce, that are tightly integrated with G Suite.
- 68% of employees enjoy work more because many of the frustrations of finding and working with information using legacy tools have been eliminated. At the same time, new tools like Google Meet are letting people easily talk face-to-face with groups of colleagues — with everyone looking at the same presentations or documents, just like they would in the office — rather than one-on-one over the phone.
The impact of replacing legacy systems that are holding you back for collaborative tools like G Suite can be dramatic. Just look at the difference it made to clothing retailer Gant. After implementing G Suite, Gant was able to open a flagship store in London in just three months. Previously, it would typically have taken the company a year.
Working with a Google Workspace Premier Partner
Ancoris is only one of a handful of European Google Cloud partners with the Work Transformation Enterprise specialisation. Our deployment experts will help you make a smooth transition―for the technology and for the people using it.
A business is only as good as its people – so why not make them extraordinary? Empowering them to work better together not only unleashes their talent and creativity but makes them your competitive advantage. The modern, easy to use applications in Google Workspace make real-time collaboration a breeze. Combine Google Workspace with Chrome Enterprise and you've got the most secure and mobile workplace.
To complement our technical service delivery consultants, we have a dedicated in-house change management and user enablement team to guide you through the process.
If you’d like to find out more about how we can help you to create your digital workplace, why not take a look at some of our customer success stories or talk to our Google Workspace specialists.