We're constantly being told that innovation is the key to business success. So just how do you help your team become more innovative?
There are three areas you need to tackle to create a digital workplace:
1. Create a digital workplace
By helping people work together more easily and strengthen their relationships – especially across different departments – you increase the chance that they'll spark great ideas from each other. That could be as dramatic as figuring out a faster, more efficient way to capture, share and analyse operational data. It could be as small as passing on a tip about how to use a feature in your calendar app or cloud file storage to get work done more quickly.
2. Review your processes
Many business operations rest on processes originally created before the internet and mobile computing became widespread. You should spend some time looking at your current process and understanding how each step does – or doesn't – help you achieve your business goals. You'll then be able to see opportunities for improvement. For example, instead of using email to receive weekly data returns from branch offices, you could get branch managers to fill out online forms that automatically update linked spreadsheets.
3. Provide intuitive cloud technology
If you want to to connect your people and have them adopt new processes, you need to support them with tools that promote workplace collaboration. That means providing cloud computing that:
- allows your people to work from anywhere, at any time, and using any device
- is intuitive, so there's no steep learning curve. Your team will already be grappling with the challenge of adapting to new processes and a new workplace culture, so you don't want to add to that burden
- is flexible enough to be matched to the processes specific to your business.
Bringing these elements together may sound daunting. Our Digital Transformation workshops are designed to help you and your organisation understand how to bring together people, process and technology to deliver successful projects and create an innovative and thriving business.
Working with our digital transformation specialists
If you're involved in the busy day to day and your teams have been working with a process a certain way for years, it can be hard to step back to imagine doing it in a totally different way.
Got an idea to transform your business and want help bringing it to life? We’re all ears. We design, build and manage customised mobile and cloud apps to meet your specific needs – either alongside your team or for you. Our early prowess in mastering APIs led to Google itself becoming a customer and us building their Exam Platform. So not only do we know our onions but you can trust us to deliver innovation and edge in spades.
If you’d like to find out more about how we can help you with your own digital transformation journey, why not take a look at some of our customer success stories or talk to our Digital Transformation Specialists.
Updated May 2019
First published October 2017