In the creative industries, you’re rarely working alone. Your company will probably be collaborating with a network of photographers and videographers, stock image providers, graphic designers and artists, market research firms, copywriters and media buyers — and, of course, your clients.
For every project, you’ll face the challenges of- co-ordinating everybody’s efforts,
- managing large content files from initial creation to finished version
- maintaining client confidentiality and avoiding client conflicts.
It comes as no surprise that many companies in media, PR, marketing, advertising, fashion, TV, film production, publishing and gaming are already using Google Workspace. The Guardian and Reach (Mirror Group), Nielsen, ITV, Camelot Lotteries, Glyndebourne and Emperor Design are among them in the UK.
Here are 4 specific ways Google Workspace can help those working in the creative industries.
1. Securely share and manage digital assets
Shared Drives in Google Workspace let you give everyone on a team or project access to the same content. Shared drive files belong to the team (and therefore your organisation) instead of an individual. Even if members leave, the files stay in place so your team can keep sharing information and work anywhere, from any device.
Not only can you be sure everyone's always looking at “the latest” version of a file but that they’re also seeing everyone's edits and comments, because there's only one version. With a separate shared drive for each project or client, you can also minimise the risk that content will accidentally be shared with the wrong client.
You can, of course, still share content outside the team, but advanced access controls let you enforce policies about not only who can see each file but also whether they can also download, copy, print or share it. You also don’t need to worry about what apps external partners use, as Pincode sharing lets users without Google accounts view, comment on and edit files, with all changes properly attributed.
2. Create secure client and project-specific extranets
Google Sites lets people without web development skills quickly create and maintain professional-looking branded websites to share proposals, designs, schedules and other content with authorised users. The content itself is securely stored in Drive and will always show users the latest versions of a document.
It’s also easy to keep rapidly changing information like schedules automatically updated, by linking to a master copy in Sheets; whenever the source data is updated, the linked content is immediately updated.
3. Collaborate more effectively at every stage
From initial brainstorming to preparing proposals to seeking feedback during media production.
Video meetings using Hangouts Meet, along with collaborative, digital whiteboards powered by Google Jamboard, help people in different locations brainstorm as if they were all in the same room. Of course, Docs, Sheets and Slides in Google Workspace also let you see suggestions from colleagues and changes they’re making to proposals, schedules, budgets and presentations in real time, as they type.
4. Reduce time spent on routine administration and moving projects along
Google Workspace helps you maintain momentum with action items that let you assign tasks to team members — with a checkbox to let them confirm when they’ve been completed — and approvals requests.
Alongside that, Google Forms allows you to easily digitise paper-based processes for common tasks such as requesting resources, managing events and launches, and gathering information from partners.
Working with a Google Workspace Premier Partner
Ancoris is only one of a handful of European Google Cloud partners with the Work Transformation Enterprise specialisation. Our deployment experts will help you make a smooth transition―for the technology and for the people using it.
A business is only as good as its people – so why not make them extraordinary? Empowering them to work better together not only unleashes their talent and creativity but makes them your competitive advantage. The modern, easy to use applications in Google Workspace make real-time collaboration a breeze. Combine Google Workspace with Chrome Enterprise and you've got the most secure and mobile workplace.
To complement our technical service delivery consultants, we have a dedicated in-house change management and user enablement team to guide you through the process.
If you’d like to find out more about how we can help you to create your digital workplace, why not take a look at some of our customer success stories or talk to our Google Workspace specialists.